Book Kay for a speech or coaching
Kay Xander Mellish specializes in helping Danes and Americans work better together. Book Kay to deliver a presentation or half-day workshop to your team, or consider one-on-one coaching to help develop strategies for improved cross-cultural understanding. Kay can work with you either in-person or virtually, depending on your needs.
Get the “Working with” books
“Working with Americans: Tips for Danes” and “Working with Danes: Tips for Americans” are entertaining, easy-to-read collections of practical tips for Danes and Americans who want to work better together. Get a paperback or an eBook version on Amazon, Saxo, or from our webshop. Bulk purchase discounts available – or consider our fun flip book that includes both books.
Listen to our audiobooks
Hear Kay’s tips on working better with Americans or working with Danes while you drive, work out, or tidy up the house with our audiobooks, which have a running time of 2 hours. Kay reads the text herself. Both “Working with Americans” and “Working with Danes” are available on Amazon Audible, NexTory, Bookbeat, and Mofibo/Storytel.
Are you a company with Danish and US employees?
Our “Working with Americans/Working with Danes” flip book makes a fun corporate gift. Entertaining and informative, it’s a great approach to helping Danes and Americans work better together, smoothly and effectively.
Order the flip book via our webshop. Bulk prices are available, and you can professionalize your version by adding a sticker with your corporate logo.
Recent customers
Ready to book a presentation or workshop? Contact Kay.
A US-DK Dual Citizen
A dual citizen of Denmark and the UK, Kay has corporate experience in both countries. In the US, she worked for units of Disney, News Corp., and Time-Warner before moving to Denmark, where she has been on staff at Danske Bank and Carlsberg, in addition to working at small and medium size companies.
Since 2013, Kay has provided a variety of writing and speaking services to Danish companies under the umbrella of KXMGroup. She offers both in-person and virtual introductions to Danish working culture aimed at newly-arrived international specialists, as well as working with large and mid-size companies helping Danes and Americans work better together.
Kay lives in Copenhagen, but travels frequently around Denmark to deliver presentations. She also returns to the USA at least twice a year, where her favorite regions are Wisconsin, Arizona, and New York City.
“How are you?” Small talk and how to do it
In this excerpt from “Working with Americans: Tips for Danes”, Kay Xander Mellish offers tips for answering the inevitable American question “How are you?”.
She also explains how to make small talk with US business partners – and sometimes with their spouses, who are often invited to business dinners.
How to speak “Amerikansk”
In this excerpt from “Working with Americans: Tips for Danes”, Kay Xander Mellish clears up some minor points of language that can trip up Danes.
(By the way, americansk, the Danish word for the language spoken in the US, is not translated directly. Most Americans will just say they speak English.)
Why you need to act excited to succeed in the US
In this excerpt from “Working with Americans: Tips for Danes,” Kay Xander Mellish talks about the enthusiasm and energy that defines Americans and American business, and advises Danes that their calm, mature, “no big arm movements” demeanor may be seen as disinterest or even boredom by their US counterparts.
Why you are getting cc’d on so many emails
In this excerpt from the book “Working with Americans: Tips for Danes”, Kay Xander Mellish explains why your US reports may insist on “keeping you in the loop” on matters that don’t interest you at all. It all goes back to the fearsome US litigation environment: with that little “cc”, your colleagues are passing legal responsibility on to you, and covering their own backsides if it all goes wrong.
Enjoy Kay’s “33 on Thursday” videos – a 33-second tip on working with Americans
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